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Getting started

To list all the available developpers commands from the makefile, run:

make help

Requirements build


The backend images are built with the Dockerfiles[graph|ingestor|mongo|ui].yaml. There are listed in deployment directory. To avoid running docker-compose it manually, there is an hidden command kubehound dev --help. The backend stack will be flagged as kubehound-dev- in the name of each component.

Building the minimum dev stack

The minimum stack (mongo & graph) can be spawned with

  • kubehound dev which is an equivalent of
  • docker compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f -f By default it will always rebuild everything (no cache is being used).

Building dev options

You can add components to the mininum stack (ui and grpc endpoint) by adding the following flag.

  • --ui to add the Jupyter UI to the build.
  • --grpc to add the ingestor endpoint (exposing the grpc server for KHaaS).

For instance, building locally the minimum stack with the ui component:

kubehound dev --ui

Tearing down the dev stack

To tear down the KubeHound dev stack, just use --down flag:

kubehound dev --down


It will stop all the component from the dev stack (including the ui and grpc endpoint if started)

Build the binary

Build from source

To build KubeHound locally from the sources, use the Makefile:

make build

KubeHound binary will be output to ./bin/build/kubehound.


We use buildx to release new versions of KubeHound, for cross platform compatibility and because we are embedding the docker compose library (to enable KubeHound to spin up the KubeHound stack directly from the binary). This saves the user from having to take care of this part. The build relies on 2 files docker-bake.hcl and Dockerfile. The following bake targets are available:

  • validate or lint: run the release CI linter
  • binary (default option): build kubehound just for the local architecture
  • binary-cross or release: run the cross platform compilation


Those targets are made only for the CI and are not intented to be run run locally (except to test the CI locally).

Cross platform compilation

To test the cross platform compilation locally, use the buildx bake target release. This target is being run by the CI (buildx.

docker buildx bake release


The cross-binary compilation with buildx is not working in mac: ERROR: Multi-platform build is not supported for the docker driver.

Push a new release

The CI releases a set of new images and binaries when a tag is created. To set a new tag on the main branch:

git tag vX.X.X
git push origin vX.X.X

New tags will trigger the 2 following jobs:

  • docker: pushing new images for kubehound-graph, kubehound-binary and kubehound-ui on The images can be listed here.
  • buildx: compiling the binary for all platform. The platform supported can be listed using this docker buildx bake binary-cross --print | jq -cr '.target."binary-cross".platforms'.


The kubehound-ingestor image has been deprecated since v1.5.0 and renamed to kubehound-binary.

The CI will draft a new release that will need manual validation. In order to get published, an admin has to to validate the new draft from the UI.


To resync all the tags from the main repo you can use git tag -l | xargs git tag -d;git fetch --tags.