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KubeHound DSL

The KubeHound graph ships with a custom DSL that simplifies queries for the most common use cases

Using the KubeHound graph

The KubeHound DSL can be used by starting a traversal with kh instead of the traditional g. All gremlin queries will work exactly as normal, but a number of additional methods, specific to KubeHound, will be available.

// First 100 vertices in the kubehound graph

List of available methods

DSL definition code available here.

Retrieve cluster data

Method Gremlin equivalent
.cluster([string...]) .has("class","Cluster")
.containers([string...]) .has("class","Container")
.endpoints([int]) .has("class","Endpoint")
.groups([string...]) .has("class","Group")
.hostMounts([string...]) .has("class","Volume").has("type", "HostPath")
.nodes([string...]) .has("class","Node")
.permissions([string...]) .has("class","PermissionSet")
.pods([string...]) .has("class","Pod")
.run([string...]) .has("runID", P.within(ids)
.sas([string...]) .has("class","Identity").has("type", "ServiceAccount")
.services([string...]) .has("class","Endpoint").has("exposure", EXTERNAL)
.users([string...]) .has("class","Identity").has("type", "User")
.volumes([string...]) .has("class","Volume")

Retrieving attack oriented data

Method Gremlin equivalent
.attacks() .outE().inV().path()
.critical() .has("critical", true)
.criticalPaths(int) see
.criticalPathsFilter(int, string...) see
.criticalPathsFreq([maxHops]) see
.hasCriticalPath() .where(__.criticalPaths().limit(1))
.minHopsToCritical([maxHops]) see

For more detailed explanation, please see below.

Example of a kubehound DSL capabilities:

// Example returning all attacks from containers running the cilium 1.11.18 image
kh.containers().has("image", "").attacks()

KubeHound Constants

Endpoint Exposure

Represents the exposure level of endpoints in the KubeHound graph

// Defines the exposure of an endpoint within the KubeHound model
public enum EndpointExposure {
    ClusterIP,                      // Container port exposed to cluster
    NodeIP,                         // Kubernetes endpoint exposed outside the cluster
    External,                       // Kubernetes endpoint exposed outside the cluster

Traversal Source Reference

Run Step

Starts a traversal that finds all vertices from the specified KubeHound run(s).

GraphTraversal<Vertex, Vertex> run(String... ids)

Example usage:

// All vertices in the graph from a single run"01he5ebh73tah762qgdd5k4wqp")

// All vertices in the graph from a multiple runs"01he5ebh73tah762qgdd5k4wqp", "01he5eagzbnhtfnwzg7xxbyfz4")

// All containers in the graph from a single run"01he5ebh73tah762qgdd5k4wqp").containers()

Cluster Step

Starts a traversal that finds all vertices from the specified cluster(s).

GraphTraversal<Vertex, Vertex> cluster(String... names)

Example usage:

// All vertices in the graph from the kind-kubehound.local cluster

// All containers in the graph from the kind-kubehound.local cluster

Containers Step

Starts a traversal that finds all vertices with a "Container" label and optionally allows filtering of those vertices on the "name" property.

GraphTraversal<Vertex, Vertex> containers(String... names)

Example usage:

// All containers in the graph

// All containers in the graph with name filter
kh.containers("elasticsearch", "mongo")

// All containers in the graph with additional filters
kh.containers().has("namespace", "ns1").limit(10)

Pods Step

Starts a traversal that finds all vertices with a "Pod" label and optionally allows filtering of those vertices on the "name" property.

GraphTraversal<Vertex, Vertex> pods(String... names)

Example usage:

// All pods in the graph

// All pod in the graph with name filter
kh.pods("app-pod", "sidecar-pod")

// All pods in the graph with additional filters
kh.pods().has("namespace", "ns1").limit(10)

Nodes Step

Starts a traversal that finds all vertices with a "Node" label and optionally allows filtering of those vertices on the "name" property.

GraphTraversal<Vertex, Vertex> nodes(String... names)

Example usage:

// All nodes in the graph

// All nodes in the graph with name filter

// All nodes in the graph with additional filters
kh.nodes().has("team", "sre").limit(10)

Escapes Step

Starts a traversal that finds all container escape edges from a Container vertex to a Node vertex and optionally allows filtering of those vertices on the "nodeNames" property.

GraphTraversal<Vertex, Path> escapes(String... nodeNames)

Example usage:

// All container escapes in the graph

// All container escapes in the graph with node name filter

Endpoints Step

Starts a traversal that finds all vertices with a "Endpoint" label.

GraphTraversal<Vertex, Vertex> endpoints()
GraphTraversal<Vertex, Vertex> endpoints(EndpointExposure exposure)

Example usage:

// All endpoints in the graph

// All endpoints in the graph with additional filters
kh.endpoints().has("port", 3000).limit(10)

// All endpoints with K8s service exposure

Services Step

Starts a traversal that finds all vertices with a "Endpoint" label representing K8s services.

GraphTraversal<Vertex, Vertex> services(String... portNames)

Example usage:

// All services in the graph

// All services in the graph with name filter"jmx", "redis")

// All services in the graph with additional filters"port", 9999).limit(10)

Volumes Step

Starts a traversal that finds all vertices with a "Volume" label and optionally allows filtering of those vertices on the "name" property.

GraphTraversal<Vertex, Vertex> volumes(String... names)

Example usage:

// All volumes in the graph

// All volumes in the graph with name filter
kh.volumes("db-data", "proc-mount")

// All volumes in the graph with additional filters
kh.volumes().has("sourcePath", "/").has("app", "web-app")

HostMounts Step

Starts a traversal that finds all vertices representing volume host mounts and optionally allows filtering of those vertices on the "sourcePath" property.

GraphTraversal<Vertex, Vertex> hostMounts(String... sourcePaths)

Example usage:

// All host mounted volumes in the graph

// All host mount volumes in the graph with source path filter
kh.hostMounts("/", "/proc")

// All host mount volumes in the graph with additional filters
kh.hostMounts().has("app", "web-app").limit(10)

Identities Step

Starts a traversal that finds all vertices with a "Identity" label and optionally allows filtering of those vertices on the "name" property.

GraphTraversal<Vertex, Vertex> identities(String... names)

Example usage:

// All identities in the graph

// All identities in the graph with name filter
kh.identities("postgres-admin", "db-reader")

// All identities in the graph with additional filters
kh.identities().has("app", "web-app").limit(10)

SAS Step

Starts a traversal that finds all vertices representing service accounts and optionally allows filtering of those vertices on the "name" property.

GraphTraversal<Vertex, Vertex> sas(String... names)

Example usage:

// All service accounts in the graph

// All service accounts in the graph with name filter"postgres-admin", "db-reader")

// All service accounts in the graph with additional filters"app", "web-app").limit(10)

Users Step

Starts a traversal that finds all vertices representing users and optionally allows filtering of those vertices on the "name" property.

GraphTraversal<Vertex, Vertex> users(String... names)

Example usage:

// All users in the graph

// All users in the graph with name filter
kh.users("postgres-admin", "db-reader")

// All users in the graph with additional filters
kh.users().has("app", "web-app").limit(10)

Groups Step

Starts a traversal that finds all vertices representing groups and optionally allows filtering of those vertices on the "name" property.

GraphTraversal<Vertex, Vertex> groups(String... names)

Example usage:

// All groups in the graph

// All groups in the graph with name filter
kh.groups("postgres-admin", "db-reader")

// All groups in the graph with additional filters
kh.groups().has("app", "web-app").limit(10)

Permissions Step

Starts a traversal that finds all vertices with a "PermissionSet" label and optionally allows filtering of those vertices on the "role" property.

GraphTraversal<Vertex, Vertex> permissions(String... roles)

Example usage:

// All permissions sets in the graph

// All permissions sets in the graph with role filter
kh.permissions("postgres-admin", "db-reader")

// All permissions sets in the graph with additional filters
kh.permissions().has("app", "web-app").limit(10)

Traversal Reference

Attacks Step

From a Vertex traverse immediate edges to display the next set of possible attacks and targets

GraphTraversal<S, Path> attacks()

Example usage:

// All attacks possible from a specific container in the graph

Critical Step

From a Vertex filter on whether incoming vertices are critical assets

GraphTraversal<S, E> critical()

Example usage:

// All critical assets in the graph

// Check whether a specific permission set is marked as critical

CriticalPaths Step

From a Vertex traverse edges until {@code maxHops} is exceeded or a critical asset is reached and return all paths.

GraphTraversal<S, Path> criticalPaths()
GraphTraversal<S, Path> criticalPaths(int maxHops)

Example usage:

// All attack paths from services to a critical asset

// All attack paths (up to 5 hops) from a compromised credential to a critical asset"engineering").criticalPaths(5)

CriticalPathsFilter Step

From a Vertex traverse edges EXCLUDING labels provided in exclusions until maxHops is exceeded or a critical asset is reached and return all paths.

GraphTraversal<S, Path> criticalPathsFilter(int maxHops, String... exclusions)

Example usage:

// All attack paths (up to 10 hops) from services to a critical asset excluding the TOKEN_BRUTEFORCE and TOKEN_LIST attacks, "TOKEN_BRUTEFORCE", "TOKEN_LIST")

HasCriticalPath Step

From a Vertex filter on whether incoming vertices have at least one path to a critical asset

GraphTraversal<S, E> hasCriticalPath()

Example usage:

// All services with an attack path to a critical asset

MinHopsToCritical Step

From a Vertex returns the hop count of the shortest path to a critical asset.

<E2 extends Comparable> GraphTraversal<S, E2> minHopsToCritical()
<E2 extends Comparable> GraphTraversal<S, E2> minHopsToCritical(int maxHops)

Example usage:

// Shortest hops from a service to a critical asset

// Shortest hops from a compromised engineer credential to a critical asset (up to 6)"engineering").minHopsToCritical(6)

CriticalPathsFreq Step

From a Vertex returns a group count (by label) of paths to a critical asset.

<K> GraphTraversal<S, Map<K, Long>> criticalPathsFreq()
<K> GraphTraversal<S, Map<K, Long>> criticalPathsFreq(int maxHops)

Example usage:

// Most common critical paths from services

// Most common critical paths from a compromised engineer credential of up to 4 hops"engineering").criticalPathsFreq(4)

Sample output:

  "path[Endpoint, ENDPOINT_EXPLOIT, Container, IDENTITY_ASSUME, Identity, PERMISSION_DISCOVER, PermissionSet]": 6,
  "path[Endpoint, ENDPOINT_EXPLOIT, Container, VOLUME_DISCOVER, Volume, TOKEN_STEAL, Identity, PERMISSION_DISCOVER, PermissionSet]": 6,
  "path[Endpoint, ENDPOINT_EXPLOIT, Container, CE_NSENTER, Node, IDENTITY_ASSUME, Identity, PERMISSION_DISCOVER, PermissionSet]": 1,
  "path[Endpoint, ENDPOINT_EXPLOIT, Container, CE_MODULE_LOAD, Node, IDENTITY_ASSUME, Identity, PERMISSION_DISCOVER, PermissionSet]": 1,
  "path[Endpoint, ENDPOINT_EXPLOIT, Container, CE_PRIV_MOUNT, Node, IDENTITY_ASSUME, Identity, PERMISSION_DISCOVER, PermissionSet]": 1